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対象を視覚的に認知するために第一に重要な大脳部位は左右大脳半球の後頭葉である。視覚情報入力は,後頭葉の第一次視覚野(Brodmann 17野)に達し,その後周辺の視覚前野・視覚周辺野(Brodmann 18・19・37野)で処理される。物の形,人の顔などの形態や,色彩などの視覚情報はほとんどがこれらの後頭葉(一部側頭葉)視覚野で処理され,認知される。後頭・側頭葉病変で物体失認,相貌失認,大脳性色覚障害が生ずることも,後頭・側頭葉が物の形,人の顔などの形態や色彩の視覚的認知に大きな役割を果たしている重要な根拠である。
We investigated the functional roles of the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes in visual recogni-tion of characters by examining the impairment of visual recognition of characters in cases with pure alexia, alexia with agraphia and deep dyslexia. The patterns of impairment of kanji and kana observed in these three types of reading/writing disorders shed light on the brain mechanism in visual recogni-tion of Japanese characters.
1. Pure alexia
Four pure alexic patients, two classical type cases with the splenial lesions, two non-classical type cases whose lesions were localized either in the left infero-lateral portion of posterior cornu or in the left subangular area, served as subject. The mechanism of impairment in pure alexia of both types can be explained by the disconnection syndrome where visual information about characters from the left and right occipital lobes is disrupted the route to left (dominant) angular gyrus. Most of our pure alexic cases showed reading impairment both in kanji and kana, but some cases showed selective impairment in kana (Case 1) or in kanji (Case 2) suggesting that the neurological incoming routes to the angular gyrus for kanji and kana are partially different.

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