

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Modular organization of human visual thinking. Makoto IWATA 1 1Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Research, University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine pp.489-495
Published Date 1991/6/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431900150
  • Abstract
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 The visual inputs coming from the external world and catched by the retina are a mixture of meaningless optic arrays from which the human brain extracts meaningful informations by the parallel distributed processing system. The modular organization of this human visual information processing system has not been well recognized, yet, and only a very few papers have so far been published. From the clinical observations of the patients with either bilateral occipito-parietal or occipitotemporal lesions, it was revealed that the visual information processing in the human brain is realized by at least two parallel distinct neural pathways. The bilateral occipito-parietal lesion destroying the dorsal pathway of the visual information processing produces marked impairment of visuospatial function, but the figural pattern recognition is well preserved. On the contrary, the bilateral lesion of the occipitotemporal or the ventral pathway causes severe disturbances of the figural recognition ability, while the visuospatial informations are well processed. Although hitherto published several papers demonstrated right (or minor) hemispheric dominance for these dichotomous visual information processings, left or dominant hemispheric contribution to these functions seems important, too, because the functional deficits caused by the bilateral destruction of each pathway is more marked than those after the right unilateral destruction. Consequently, these dichotomous visual information processing systems are essentially bilateral.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


