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歩行運動の神経制御に関しては,四足歩行動物の慢性および急性実験から,その理解が急速に進みつつある1-6)。そして,四足歩行動物では,各肢と関節に歩行運動特有の筋活動パターンを作り出すパターン発振器(central pattern generator:CPG)が存在し,それらが大脳,小脳,中脳などからの下行性指令により駆動されることで歩行運動が生起し,調節されると考えられている4-6)。求心性入力もCPGの調節に重要な役割を果たすと考えられる。
Understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying locomotion has been rapidly evolving on the basis of ample evidence obtained from chronic and acute experiments on quadrupedal animals. Rhythmic and alternative extensor and flex activity in quadrupedal locomotion is thought to be formed by central pattern generators (CPGs) that are deployed in each joint and located in the spinal cord. Descending inputs from the cerebral cortex,cerebellum,and mesencephalon would induce CPGs to generate and regulate locomotor rhythm and patterns. Afferent inputs would also play an important role in regulating CPGs. In humans,it is extremely difficult to provide direct evidence of CPGs because of experimental limitations. However,substantial evidence showing the existence of CPGs in humans has been provided by experiments investigating infant stepping,patients with spinal cord injuries,and electrical stimulation to the epidural cord. In addition,some reflexes were shown to be strongly controlled by CPGs during locomotor movements. Further investigation of the CPG system in humans would provide useful information for improving physical therapeutic methods and neurorehabilitation training for persons with gait disorder. The present article will review control mechanisms of spinal reflexes by CPGs in humans during locomotor movements.

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