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症例は42歳,男性。4年前より右陰嚢内に無痛性腫瘤を認めていたが放置していた。初診時,右陰嚢内に15cm大の腫瘤および右鼠径部に5cm大の腫瘤を触知した。LDH738IU/ml,HCG-β4.4ng/mlと高値で,右精巣腫瘍と診断し,右高位精巣摘除術および右鼠径リンパ節郭清術を施行した。摘除した腫瘍は12×7×8cm,重量1,250g,腫大したリンパ節は5×5×2cmであった。病理組織学的検査にてセミノーマ,pT1NOMO, stage Iであり,リンパ節は反応性の変化で腫瘍細胞は認めなかった。
A 42-year-old male visited our clinic complaining of painless swelling of the right scrotal contents which had been growing for the past 4 years. The right scrotal contents has swellen to the size of an infant's head with right inguinal lymph nodes swelling. Serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin (4.4 ng/ml) and lactate dehydrogenase (738 IU/l) were elevated. Right high orchiectomy and right inguinal lymph node dissection were performed. The removed right testicular tumor was 12×7×8cm in size and was 1,250 g in weight. The histopathological findings was seminoma. The findings of lymph nodes was inflammatory change without malignancy.

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