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14歳,男性。無痛性左陰嚢内腫大を主訴に来院し,左精巣腫瘍の診断のもと,左高位精巣摘除術を施行した。腫瘍重量は1,080gであった。病理組織は奇形腫を中心とした絨毛癌,卵黄嚢腫瘍との混合腫瘍で,CT上にて後腹膜リンパ節転移,多発性肺転移を認め,ステージIII B2であった。術後,PEB療法3コース,EP療法1コース,末梢血幹細胞移植併用大量化学療法を施行後,後腹膜リンパ節郭清術を施行した。術後25か月現在,明らかな転移は認めていない。
A 14-year-old boy visited our hospital complaining of painless swelling of left scrotal content in April 1997. Under the diagnosis of testicular tumor, the tumor was removed surgically. It weighed 1,080g, and pathological diagnosis showed mixed tumor constituting of yolk sac tumor, cho-riocarcinoma and teratoma. Simultaneously, large retro-peritoneal lymph node metastasis was identified by CT finding. Now we have performed post-operative chemo-therapy (BEP and high dose chemotherapy), that tumor marker decreased into normal range. The result of retro-peritoneal lymph node dissection revealed immmature teratoma.

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