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54歳および67歳の陰茎疣贅状癌の2例に対して陰茎部分切除術を施行した。Sentinellymphnode(SLN)生検は陰性で.In situ Hybridization(ISH)法によるヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)の検索も陰性であった。術後20か月と24か月を経過し,いずれも再発,転移を認めていない。
Two patients, 54 year-old and 67 year-old with penile verrucous carcinoma are reported. Both patients under-went partial penectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. Histological examination of the resected tumor showed verrucous carcinoma without metastatic lymph nodes invasion. The technique of in situ hybridization was used to detect human papilloma virus (HPV) in resected tumor tissues, however types of HPV (6/11, 16/18, 31/33/51) were negative in each case. The patients are doing well for over 20 months postoperatively with no evidence of recurrence.

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