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症例は79歳,男性。前立腺癌stage D2にて,去勢術を施行した。その後,前立腺癌は再燃し1992年2月死亡した。剖検病理の光顕所見で低分化型前立腺癌の一部がカルチノイドの所見を呈した。その部は,グリメリウス染色陽性を示したが,セロトニン,神経特異エノラーゼなどは陰性であった。しかし,前立腺特異抗原は陽性であり,カルチノイド様前立腺癌と考えられた。
A 79-year-old male with stage D2 prostatic carcinoma underwent castration. Four years later, prostatic carcinoma relapsed and he died. Autopsy section of the prostate showed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with carcinoid like areas.Though the arg yrophil reaction by Grimelius silver stain was positive in the carcinoid like areas, immunoperoxidase stain for hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) and neuron specific enolase was negative. And the stain for prostatic specific antigen was positive in the areas. We diagnosed this tumor a carcinoid like prostatic carcinoma.

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