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48歳,女性.2年前胃癌にて胃亜全摘.1年前Krukenberg腫瘍で子宮全摘,両側付属器摘除.肉眼的血尿を主訴に受診.尿細胞診はclass 5,PAS染色陽性の腺癌.膀胱鏡下に広基性非乳頭状腫瘍を認め,膀胱部分切除術を施行.病理診断は胃癌,Kruken-berg腫瘍の腫瘍組織像と全く同様の管状腺癌であり,胃癌膀胱転移と診断した.
A 48-year-old female visited our hospital complaining of grosshematuria. She had a history of curative subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer 2 years ago and a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo -oophorectomy for Krukenberg tumors 1 year ago. Cystoscopic examination revealed a non-papillary sessile tumor. Urine cytotogy showed a class 5, PAS stain positive adenocarcinoma. Partial cystectomy wasperformed. Histological finding of the tumor revealed tubular adenocarcinoma which was identical to her gastric cancer and Krukenberg tumors. We reviewed 26 cases of bladder metastasis from gastric cancer reported in Japan.

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