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Actinomycosis of the uterus caused bilateral hydronephrosis : A case report Ryo Nakayama 1 , Takashi Ando 1 , Takaki Mizusawa 1 , Akiyoshi Katagiri 1 , Yoshihiko Tomita 2 Keyword: 水腎症 , 放線菌症 pp.245-248
Published Date 2020/3/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1413206836
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A 79-year-old woman presented with vomiting and fever and was referred to our department. Right hydronephrosis was revealed by CT scan and she was diagnosed as right pyelonephritis with ureteral obstruction due to the uterine mass. Right ureteral stent placement was performed and antibiotic treatment was started. The uterine mass was diagnosed as actinomycosis of the uterus by the bacterial culture. Antibiotic treatment was continued for two months and the actinomycotic lesion was shrunk, although there was recurrent actinomycosis four weeks after discontinuation of antibiotics. At that time, left hydronephrosis and intestinal obstruction were revealed by CT scan and left ureteral stent and nasogastric tube indwelling were performed. After additional four months of antibiotic treatment, the actinomycotic lesion disappeared and the bilateral ureteral stents were removed. For us, urologist, it is necessary to keep in mind an opportunity of actinomycosis of the uterus diagnosing pelvic tumors (Rinsho Hinyokika 74 : 245-248, 2020).

Copyright © 2020, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1332 印刷版ISSN 0385-2393 医学書院


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