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74歳,女性。膀胱腫瘍を疑い,経尿道的膀胱腫瘍切除術を施行した。病理診断より膀胱平滑筋肉腫と診断した。膀胱全摘回腸導管造設術を施行し,その後補助化学療法を施行した。しかし,術後約10ヵ月で回盲部上行結腸に再発し,同部位の切除術を施行したにもかかわらず,術後3ヵ月で死亡した。平滑筋肉腫の進行とともに血清CA 19-9が増加した。
Patient was a 74 year old female with chief complaint of dysuria and gross hematuria. Cystoscopy showed a huge tumor with partly ulcered surface, located in the right lateral wall. Histopathological report suggested leiomyosarcoma of bladder and various examinations suggested no distant metastasis. Radical cystectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy, hysterectomy and adnexeatomy was carried out. Ten months later, lower abdominal pain and anemia appeared, and recurrence of leiomyosarcoma at cecum and ascending colon was suspected. Although resection of cecum and ascending colon was performed, she died 2 months later after this operation.

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