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前立腺癌21例,前立腺肥大症4例,正常前立腺3例について,ras p21の発現をABC法を用いて免疫組織化学的に検索した。正常前立腺,前立腺肥大症では陽性のものはなく,前立腺癌では陽性率57.1%で,分化度別では,高分化腺癌0/2(0%),中等度分化腺癌5/11(45.5%),低分化腺癌7/8(87.5%)であつた。以上から前立腺癌の悪性度とras癌遺伝子との関連が示唆された。
Expression of ras oncogene product (ras p21) was examined in normal prostate, benign prostatic hyper-trophy and prostatic cancer by ABC (avidin-biotin-complex immunoperoxidase) method, No staining was observed in normal prostate (3 cases) and benign prostatic hypertrophy (4 cases). In prostatic cancer 57.1% of the cases were positive: well differentiated adenocarcinoma; 0/2(0%), moderately differentiated; 5/11 (45. 5%), poorly differentiated; 7/8 (87.5%). It was concluded that ras oncogene was related with histological grade of prostatic carcinoma.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.