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54歳男性,排尿痛で来院,慢性前立腺炎として治療中,約1ヵ月のうちに急速な前立腺腫大と排尿困難を来し,組織学的にadenosquamous typeの前立腺癌と判明。各種治療に反応せずさらに腫大し,腎後性腎不全を来した。全身状態悪化,高カルシウム血症の合併がみられ,エルシトニン投与で一時軽快したが,全経過約8ヵ月で死亡した。比較的低頻度の組織型を呈し,高カルシウム血症を合併した稀な前立腺癌の1例を報告する。
A 54-year-old male visited our clinic on September 1985 because of miction pain. Prostate was soft and not enlarged. The initial clinical impression was chronic prostatitis. He was treated with antibiotics for a month and the pain subsided. However, the dysuria and the lumbar distress appeared. Digital examination and transrectal ultrasonogram showed the swelling of prostate. Transperineal biopsy of prostate revealed adenosquamous carcinoma. Several measurements of serum acid phosphatase always revealed normal values.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.