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直径1mmの持続硬膜外カテーテルを経尿道的に留置して排尿時膀胱内圧・尿流同時測定を行う場合,このカテーテルが内圧や尿流におよぼす影響を検討した。カテーテル存在下での最大尿流(y)はない場合の最大尿流(x)ときわめてよく相関し(y=1.0x+0.74),排尿時膀胱内圧はカテーテルがない場合に比べ0〜3mmHg (0〜5%)増加したに過ぎなかつた。
We investigated the effect of epidual catheter (1mm in diameter) in the urethra on urinary flow and vesical voiding pressure. Maximum flow rates with the catheter in site correlated highly with those without the catheter in 24 subjects, the differences of vaided values being less than 10ml (r=0.862, p<0.001). Vesical voiding pressures with the catheter were higher than those with no catheter, but the rise in pressure caused by the catheter was only 0-3mmHg (0-5%).

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