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精上皮腫は睾丸腫瘍の中でも放射線感受性が高く一般に予後が良いが,進行例では予後不良である。今回われわれは,放射線療法に抵抗性となつた後cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CDDP),vincristine (VCR),pepleomycin (PEP)の三者併用療法により寛解に達した1例を経験したので報告し,若干の文献的考察を述べる。なお,睾丸腫瘍のstagingなどについては睾丸腫瘍取扱い規約1)に従つた。
A 28-year-old-male was admitted with complaints of right testicular tumor and lumbago for about 1 to 2 years. Histopathological examination after high orchiectomy and various roentogenologic exami-nations revealed right testicular seminoma, stage Ⅱ B (without retroperitoneal bulky lymphnodes), T3N2M0, so he was treated with conventional radiotherapy. Metastases disappeared after the radia-tion, but they appeared again in a while. After completion of 12,000 rad's radiation, multiple lung metastases also appeared, then radiotherapy was abandoned and PVB regimen by Merrin was applied.

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