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1975年,Moncrief, Popovichらによつて概念が導入されて以来,わが国においてもCAPD(con-tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis)は急速に普及しつつある1,2)。今回われわれは,種々の慢性腎不全患者に対してCAPDによる管理を施行し,特にそれに伴う種々の問題点3,4)に関して若干の考察を加えたのでこれを中心に報告する。
17 patients of chronic renal failure have been introduced to CAPD (continuous ambulatory peri-toneal dialysis) at the Kitasato university hospital for the past 2 years. Tenckhoff double cuff peritoneal catheter was used in all cases. Among the several problems experienced, peritonitis was one of the most significant problems in these immunosuppressed patients. The frequency of peritonitis was 13.3 patient-months and almost equal or slightly lower than other reports. Catheteral dislocation, catheteral obstruc-tion with omentum and early dialysate leakage due to now catheteral damage etc. were also experienced.

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