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腎生検法はPerez Ara (1950)およびIversen and Burn (1951)らの発表以来,内科的腎疾患の確定診断には不可欠な検査法として広く普及してきたが,これに伴う合併症も看過し得ないほど報告されている1,2)。穿刺手技は従来より盲目的操作法3)や,X線透視下での生検4,5)が一般に行われてきたが,組織採取失敗例や穿刺後の合併症が多いことから,いわゆるopen renal biopsyをルチーンの手技としている施設もある。
For the past 3 years 134 percutaneous renal biopsies were carried out under the real-time ultra-sonographic control in 127 cases, 4 to 67 years of age. These cases were consisted of 63 males and 64 females, with suspected renal parenchymal disease. Of them 8.7% had hypertension with the blood pressure not lower than 150/100mmHg and 11% had renal failure with the serum creatinine level not lower than 2mg/dl.
Biopsy was considered to be successful, if an obtained specimen contained 5 or more glomeruli. On the basis of the criterium 123 biopsies out of 134 were successful: the rate of successful biopsy was 92%.

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