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高位除睾術後,後腹膜リンパ節に予防照射を行つたstage Iの成人睾丸胎児性癌症例において,1年後に肺転移が発生し,Linac照射と多剤併用でほぼ治癒したと思われる症例を経験したのでここに報告する。
A case of testicular embryonal cell carcinoma with stage-I was presented, in which pulmonary metastasis that developed a year after prophylactic irradiation to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes appeared to be cured by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
A thirty nine-year-old male first visited our clinic for a painless swollen testis in the right on May 23, 1978. He underwent extirpation of the right testis on the same day and was diagnosed embryonal cell carcinoma with intravascular invasion. Chest X-ray and lymphangiogram were normal. The elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein decreased to normal level after orchiectomy.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.