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一側性の尿管異所開口はその尿管が重複尿管か単一尿管かにかかわらずそれほど稀なものではないが,両側単一尿管が共に異所開口するbilateral single ectopic ureterは非常に稀とされている。この場合は膀胱三角部の形成がないため括約筋機構が不完全で強度の尿失禁を伴うものが多い。われわれは最近bilateral single ectopic ureterで尿失禁はごく軽度であつたが,同時に一側の骨盤腎を示した1女児症例を経験した。本例では両側尿管逆流による難治性尿感染を主訴とし,治療上両側異所開口尿管の処置が問題となつた。なお骨盤腎合併の両側ectopic ureterは文献上極めて稀であり,これらの点を含めて以下に症例報告をする。
In a 4-year-old girl of bilateral single ectopic ureter with left small pelvic kidney, multiple anoma-lies were also found. Clinical symptom was recurrent urinary tract infection but urinary incontinence was very slight. Bilateral ureteral orifices were found in the urethra just below the bladder neck. Left nephroureterectomy was done because of the difficulty of antireflux ureteral reimplantation for its ure-teral shortness. Right antireflux ureteral reimplantation with ureteral tailoring was performed. The plasty of bladder neck was not done.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.