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プリン体代謝経路の一酵素であるadenine phos-Phoribosyl-transferase(A-PRT)の欠損により,正常ならばほとんど尿中に証明されないadenine,8-hydroxyadenineおよび,2,8-dihydroxyadenineの排泄増加がおこり,この2,8-dihydroxyadenineがきわめて難溶性のため,結石を作りやすい。しかし,この物質を主成分とする尿路結石症については,ほとんど報告されておらず,現在までわずか欧米,本邦合せて5例の報告例がみられるのみである1〜4,8)。
By complete deficiency of adenine phosphoribosyl transferase in the metabolism of purine, abnormal amounts of 2, 8-dihydroxyadenine appeared in the urine which formed lithiasis in the urinary tract, because the 2, 8-dihydroxyadenine is very insoluble. However, this is very rare case.
We report a case who, since 3 years of age, had frequent discharge of urinary stone and had repeated renal insufficiency symptoms, and was recently proved that the constituent of stone was 2, 8- dihydroxyadenine.

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