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尿管異所開口は本邦において高橋,市川1)の第1例以後,診断技術の進歩とあいまつて報告が相次ぎ1978年田所ら2)は446例を集計報告している。最近,当教室においてThom I型,尿道開口例に発育不全腎と尿管結石を合併した症例を経験したのでその概略と田所ら以後1979年6月までの本邦報告例を集計しあわせて報告する。
A case of ectopic ureter complicated with ipsilateral renal hypoplasia and ureter stone was reported. The patient was a 6-year-old girl with complaints of urinary incontinence and persistent pyuria. Urolo-gical studies revealed that the right ureter ectopically opened into the urethra and the stone existed in lower ureter which dilatated cystically. The anatomical anomaly like this and persistent urinary tract infection due to Proteus were considered the predisposing factors for stone formation. There are 497cases of ureteral ectopia in Japanese literature by June 1979.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.