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膀胱憩室腫瘍の報告は,欧米において,Willia-ms1)の肉腫剖検例(1883),Young2)の臨床例(1909)にはじまり,諸家の報告が相次いでおり,臨床統計的集録ならびに検討は,Abeshouse等3)の93例の集計(1943),Boylan4)等のMayo clinicにおける54年間25例の検討(1951),Knappenberger等5)の18例の検討(1960)等が行なわれている。
Tumor of the bladder diverticulum is not a rare disease anymore and could obtain a confirmed preoperative diagnosis by thorough examination, and is also considered a disease which percentage of radical cure could be elevated by early diagnosis and recent advance of treatment.
It is still necessary to collect the future reported cases and do a thorough survey on the clinical symptoms, methods of examination, operation and treatment, histopathological findings, especially the grade of infiltration to the muscle layer of diverticular wall, and its prognosis.

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