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腎実質内に空洞を有し,その内壁が移行上皮にて被われ,かつ腎杯と小導管にて交通する疾患は,Rayer(1841)によつてCyst Urinaireの名称で記載されたという6,15)。本邦では腎杯憩室,腎盂性腎嚢腫,腎盂性嚢胞,腎杯嚢腫,腎杯嚢胞など種々の名称で呼ばれているが6),我々の教室でも最近本症の3例を経験したので報告する。
3 cases of diverticulum of the kidney calyx in rather young aged group were reported and these incidence, pathogenesis, symptoms, method of diagnosis, complications and treatment were reviewed. The 3 cases are as follows:
Case 1.26 years old female with diverticula of the upper calyx of right kidney complicated with stone.
Case 2.17 years old male with diverticula of the upper calyx of right kidney without complica-tion.
Case 3.21 years old female with diverticula of upper calyx of left kidney which showed pyelo-nephritis histologically.
The above 3 cases were treated by partial nephrectomy.

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