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症例は49歳,女性。検診のエコーで直径約6cmの左副腎腫瘍を指摘され,精査目的に当科を受診した。受診12日後左上腹部痛が出現,CTにて副腎腫瘍周囲に血腫を認め,左副腎腫瘍破裂の診断で左副腎摘除術を施行した。摘出標本は235g,病理学的診断はadrenal cortical adenomaであった。術後2週間目の採血では,末梢血検査,内分泌学的検査で異常を認めなかった。
A 49-year-old woman presented at our hospital for an examination of a left adrenal tumor,incidentally found by screening abdominal ultrasound sonography. CT scan showed a left adrenal tumor,which measured 6.5×5.0cm. Twelve days later,she was admitted to our hospital with sudden severe pain in the left abdomen. CT scan showed a retroperitoneal hemorrhage caused by spontaneous rupture of the adrenal tumor. We performed left adrenalectomy. The removed tumor weighted 235g,and histological diagnosis was a benign non-functioning adrenal cortical adenoma.(Rinsho Hinyokika 58:331-333,2004)

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