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単純性疱疹Herpes simplex (HSと略す)の臨床的統計的研究はわが国では少く,帯状疱疹の発生状況との比較の資料として使用されているにすぎず,比較的最近では小原(1963)の報告があるのみである.しかし著者がHSについて観察した目的は,これに関する報告が少ないからではなく,HSの中で最も多い口唇ヘルペスHerpeslabialis(HLと略す)の発生部位に興味をもつたからである.
口唇はその外面を顔面皮膚,内面を口腔粘膜によつておおわれ,その間に皮膚と粘膜の移行部,すなわち口唇移行部(口唇縁) lip margin;seamof the lipがある,口唇移行部は発生学的に外皮部と粘膜部の両方に由来するものであり,成人では表面が平滑であるが,胎生後期には1つの溝によつて外帯outer zoneと内帯inner zoneとに分れている.従来HSの好発部位は単に皮膚粘膜移行部と記載されていたが,著者はこのような口唇の形態学的特性に着目し,HLの発生状態について観察したので報告し,あわせてHSの統計的観察の結果について述べてみたい.
Herpes simplex of 85 cases, 19 males and 64 females, was observed clinically. The results were as follows:
1. Statistical observations of herpes simplex. The patients in the third decade of life were the mostnumerous in number, and in the fourth decade were next. Seasonal frequency of its onset was variable.The site of herpes simplex in lip was accounted for greater part of numbers, and next in oral angle andnose were numerous in number. At the first examination, it was difficult that the symptoms of herpessimplex were ready to change during short period.
2. Clinical characteristics of herpes labialis. Hitherto, localization of herpes labialis has been ob-scurely described as the transitional part of lip. The author investigated the localization of its eruption inthe parts of which lip was divided into cutaneous part, mucous part and transitional part consisted ofouter zone and inner zone. The eruptions were almost same in number in outer zone as cutaneous part,but in inner zone remarkably decreased in number. Further, the clinical appearance of eruptions wasclinically differed from each part of lip. It was thought that their differences were depend on morphologi-cal differences which outer zone was developmentally come from facial skin and inner zone from oral mucosa.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.