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Weber-Christian病(以下W-Chr.病と略す)の本態は明らかでないが,近年その病因論において膵疾患との関連1〜3),脾の小動脈におけるonion skin lesionの発見4),腎糸球体におけるhematoxylin body, wire loop様変化5),リポイドネフローゼ様変化6,7)から本症は膠原病として考えられて来ており,臨床的にリウマチ8),全身エリテマトーデス9),皮膚筋炎10),鞏皮症4),多発性血管炎11)などとの合併が報告されている.また,本症患者に慢性細菌感染症を伴うものがあり,その多くがむし歯12〜16),慢性扁桃炎,中耳炎,虫垂炎で,さらには結核の合併17)も報告されている。組織学的には血管炎,血管壁のフィブリノイド変性の報告が多く,飯島18),佐野19),佐藤20)らはその原因を感染アレルギーに求めている.
A case of this disease in a 25-year-old woman was reported. She had erythema nodosum-like eruptions on the trunk and extremities, the histologic pictures of which showed the panniculitis mainly composed of lymphoreticular infiltration and necrotizing angitis.
Hematologic studies of the peripheral blood showed marked anemia, leukopenia, especially lympho-penia. Studies on bonemarrow showed mildly decreased lymphocytic, inhibited maturation of granulo-cytic, and predominance of erythroblastic lines.
She was liable to suffer from the bacterial and viral infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia and herpes zoster etc. throughout the course of the disease.
Increase of her serum immunoglobulin level, slight decrease of serum complement level, marked de-crease of lymphocyte count in the blood, rather low degree of percentage of lymphocytes transformed on culture with PHA, and conversion of tuberculin reaction from positive to negative were proved. She could not be sensitized by DNCB.
Marked atrophy of lymphfollicles of the lymphnode and spleen has been proved in the literature. These evidences and results of the authors' clinico-laboratory studies strongly suggested deficiency state of cellular immunity in this disease.
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