

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


INFLAMMATORY LOWER LEG NODULES: Prognosis and Treatment Yoshiharu MIKI 1 , Tomoyuki KAWATSU 1 , Sachiko MIYAGAWA 1 1Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University of Osaka pp.1369-1378
Published Date 1968/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1412200441
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Literal inquiries were sent to 664 cases of inflammatory lower leg nodules encountered between 1957 and 1965 at the Department of Dermatology, Osaka University. Out of 191 cases who responded to the inquiries, 170 cases gave satisfactory answes concerning the present status of the nodules, presence or absence of aphthous stomatitis, genital ulcers, ocular involvement and pulmonary or other tuberculosis.

The follow-up study showed that 81 out of 170 cases were cured within 1 year after the first visit to the hospital, 4 cases were cured between 1 and 2 years, and 85 cases were not cured even after 2 years. Clinical, histological as well as loboratory data were compared between the 81 transient cases and the 85 protracted rcases. Four indeterminate cases were removed from the study.

The protracted cases showed more disseminated distribution of the inflammatory nodules over the four extremities and more frequent ulceration and pigmentation of the nodules than the transient cases. Varicosities of the lower legs and dilated abdominal veins were observed more frequently in the protracted cases. General symptoms, i.e. hyperpyrexia and althralgia were also more commonly experienced in the protacted cases. Aphthous stomatitis, genital ulcers, uveitis or pustulation following sterile needle punctures were present almost solely and in over 40% of the protracted cases indicating a close relationship with Behçet's syndrome.

The initial clinical diagnoses were: Behçet's syndrome in 18% of the protracted and 1% of the transient cases, erythema nodosum in 6% of the protracted and 16% of the transient cases, and erythema induratum including nodular vasculitis in 70% of both transient and protracted cases.

Histopathology of the nodules were examined in 20 cases respectively in each group and were divided into ( 1) dermal angiitis, (2) epithelioid cell panniculitis, (3) subcutaneous thrombophle-bitis and (4) other nonspecific changes. There were no single predominant features in either group. Other laboratory findings including hematology, urinalysis, blood sedimentation rate, tuberculin reaction, chest roentgenogram, serum protein (Tiselius), ASLO, CRP and RA factors were also compared and there were no particular differences between the courses of the diseaseexcept that albuminuria was definitely more frequent in the protracted cases. Elevated sed-imentation rate and hyper-gamma-globulinemia were observed in high percentages in many cases.

Various treatments and remedies, including sulfa drugs, antibiotics, anti-tuberculous agents, antihistaminics and non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents have been given in both groups of cases. Among those, hospitalization and bed rest with elevated lets or the administration of corticosteroids have proved to be the most effective therapy to reduce the inflammation. However, the recurrences occurred immediately following the discharge from the hospital or the reduction of the dosis of steroids in the protracted cases. Immunosuppressive therapy using oral cyclo-phosphamide 150mg daily was started in cases of Behçet's syndrome with lower leg nodules, and seemed to give a favorable result when combined with systemic steroids.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1324 印刷版ISSN 0021-4973 医学書院


