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血管脂肪腫はangiolipoma,vascular lipoma,hemangiolipoma, Lipoma teleangiectaticumなどの名称で呼ばれ,多発性のものは後述するように臨床的,組織学的にかなり特徴がある。Ho-wardら1)の報告によると脂肪腫,血管脂肪腫,血管線維腫など種々の診断がついた1678枚の組織標本に再検討を加えた結果,血管脂肪腫としてよいものが248例もあつたと述べている(但し多発197例,単発21例,不明30例)。それにもかかわらず血管脂肪腫の報告は意外に少なく,本邦ではこれまでに多発性のもの3例2)3)4),単発性のもの1例5)が報告されているにとどまる。そこで最近相次いで経験した多発性血管脂肪腫の2例を追加報告する。
Case 1 : A 47-year-old woman found a subcutaneous nodule without subjective sensation on the right forearm ten years ago, which has enlarged and increased in number since about 3 years.
At her first visit, the nodules were 14 in number, pea-to thumb-sized. They were on the chest, abdomen, thighs and upper extremities. Almost of them were flat, but those on the fo-rearms were slightly elevated. They were elastic hard and not attached to the underlying tissue. Their surfaces were smooth.
Histologic specimen was composed of two components, namely-angiomatous and lipomatous tissues.
Case 2 : A 49-year-old man found 2 nodules on the abdomen after splenectomy, and the number of the nodules has increased. The nodules appeared then on the chest, back and right cubital region. They were 18 in number and elevated. Some were tender and some were faint blue.
Histologic picture was angiolipoma. In both cases adipose cells were mature.

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