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1952年にLutz1)が21歳男子に見られた頸項部の角化性蛇行性皮疹をKeratosis follicularisserpiginosaとして報告し,更にMiescher2)が1955年に同様症例に詳細な組織学的検討を加え,Elastoma intrapapillare perstans verrucifor-meとして報告して以来,本症は欧米においては数十例の報告例が知られている。本邦においては,1961年に大森,肥田野により第1例が報告されて以来,長島,中村(2例),皆見,一原(1例)船橋,露木(1例),神畠(1例),の諸家により,6例の報告例がみられる**)。
我々も最近典型的な弾力線維性仮性黄色腫に併発したElastosis. Perforansの1例を経験したので,之について報告し,主に弾力線維性仮性黄色腫(以下PXEと約す)との関係について,文献学的考案を加えた。
A case of elastosis perforans serpiginosa on the upper arm and nape in a 28-year-old woman, who had been suffering from pseudoxanthoma elasticum for more than ten years, was reported.
Histologic specimen showed a giant epidermal cyst in the dermis, the bottom of which was perforated. There was a foreign body granuloma with giant cells and epithelioid cells in the dermis with typical change of pseudoxanthoma elasticum accompanied by calcium imbibition.
Only 3 cases of this disease accompanied by pseudoxanthoma elasticum have been reported in Europe and America, while all reported cases in Japan of this disease have been associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum. A review of the literature especially on relationships between this disease and pseudoxanthoma elasticum was performed.

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