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コレステリン肉芽腫は嚢胞を伴うことがしばしばあり,一般的にコレステリン嚢胞と呼ばれ,本邦での報告も約20例を数える1〜9)。これまでに欧米では錐体先端部におけるコレステリン嚢胞が多数報告されているが10〜12),本邦では乳突蜂巣部から生じたものの報告が多く,乳突嚢胞(mastoidcyst),black mastoidとも呼ばれることがある。今回,中後頭蓋窩に進展した巨大なコレステリン嚢胞を経験したので報告する。
A 51-year-old female complained of right ear-ache. MRI and CT scans revealed a large cystic lesion in the mastoid, the middle and posterior cra-nial fossa. Surgery through a postauricular incison disclosed a large cholesterol cyst that contained brownish fluid. Near the mastoid tip, the cyst had a thick granulomatous outer wall, which showed characteristic histopathological findings as choles-terol granuloma. The thickened wall was resected and the large cavity was opened into the external auditory canal. The literature was reviewed and operation methods for this disease were discussed.

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