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Tympanosclerosis was investigated clinically and microscopically in 23 ears of 22 patients. It is of interest to note that the majority of the patients were middle- aged females and possessed keloid and/or allergic dispositions. Clinical diagnosis was made by characteristic symptoms and findings, and confirmed by a direct observation of sclerotic lesions using a super-fine fiberscope through the eustachian tube or a perforated hole of the tympanic membrane.
The tympanoplasty type Ⅲ was almost successful compared with other types in present series.
Sclerotic lesions were mainly found around and adjacent to the body of incus in the attic.
They partly extended down to the incudosta-pedial joint area. Microscopically hyaline degenera-tion and calcification of collagen fibers were char-acteristic features of sclerotic lesions. By mi-croanalysis of sclerotic substances calcium and phosphorus were observed in almost the same distri-bution pattern, indicating that these electrolytes exist in a form of calcium phosphate in sclerotic lesions. One-thirds of the patients possessed keloid and/or allergic dispositions, suggesting that these dispositions may more or less relate to an occur-rence of tympanosclerosis.
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