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小児の耳下腺腫瘍では血管腫が比較的多くみられるが,そのなかに良性乳児血管内皮腫(benigninfantile hemangioendothelioma)と呼ばれ,年長児や成人にみられる海綿状血管腫とは異なった病像を呈する乳児の血管性腫瘍がある。そこで最近経験した良性乳児血管内皮腫4例の経過について述べ検討を加えた。
Four patients with benign infantile hemangioen-dothelioma of the parotid gland were studied. Two of four were boys and all lesions were found in the left side. Parotid swelling was noted 2 to 6 weeks after birth and increased rapidly to 40 to 70 mm in diameter. There were strawberry marks on the tumor in three patients and teleangiectasis in one. One patient was treated by total parotidectomy preserving the facial nerve, one by steroid therapy and two were followed without treatment. Steroid therapy reduced the size temporarily. Spontaneous resolution began at approximately two years of age. Observation was advocated before primary inter-vention in benign infantile hemangioendotlielioma of the parotid gland.

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