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輸血後GVHD(transfusion associated graftversus host disease)は,移植片(graft)である輸血血液中のリンパ球が宿主(host)である患者体内で生着・増殖して体組織を攻撃して生じる病態である。臨床症状は,輸血後1〜2週で発熱・紅斑が出現し,肝障害・下痢・下血・意識障害などの症状が続く。最終的には骨髄無形成・汎血球減少を呈し,敗血症・肺炎などの重症感染,あるいは大量の出血により死亡するのが典型的な経過である1)。
A 62-year-old male with carcinoma of the hy-popharynx developed a blood transfusion asso-ciated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GVHD). The patient presented with fever and skin rash 14 days after laryngo-pharyngo-esophagectomy, follwed by liver dysfunction, diarrhea, pancytopenia, bone marrow aplasia, and disturbance of consciousness. The diagnosis of TA-GVHD was made by DNAsequence polymorphism analysis. The results de-monstrated the replacement of patient DNA types with donor types at the time of GVHD.
For preventing TA-GVHD, irradiation in a dose of 15~50 Gy to blood products before transfusion was recommended.

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