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Sipple症候群は甲状腺髄様癌(以下MCT),副腎褐色細胞腫まれに上皮小体の腺腫あるいは過形成を合併する疾患で,多内分泌腺腫症(multipleendocrine neoplasia, MEN)のType IIaに分類される比較的稀な疾患である。また常染色体優性遺伝の遺伝形式をとり,家系内発症を多く認める。
The first case, a 59-year-old male, was admitt-ed to department of Urology because of pheoc-romocytoma. Thyroid tumors were found in both lobes. Enucleation of the tumors and adrenectomy were performed. The tumors were hitologically diagnosed as medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (MCT). So total thyroidectomy was performed after 4 weeks.
The second case, a 47-year-old female, was admitted because of MCT. There was no sym-ptom based on pheocromocytoma. But Abdo-minal MR image revealed left adrenal tumor. Urological examination showed the tumor was pheocromocytoma. So MCT and pheocromocy-toma were removed.

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