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1954年Castleman1)が縦隔に発生した胸腺腫類似腫瘤をMediastinal Lymphnode Hyperplasiaと報告してから現在まで200例以上の報告2)がなされ,Castleman's Diseaseと称されている。その約2/3は胸郭内発生といわれ,残りは胸郭外発生であり,そのなかでは頸部に最も多く報告されている。我々はこのたびCastleman's Diseaseと考えられる左頸部腫瘤の1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A 51-year-old female presented a tumor occupied in the left side of the neck. The tumor was round, smooth on the surface and elastic hard. The pa-tient had no complaint, and laboratory findings were normal. CT scan showed a homogeneous round mass with isodensity and the range of CT was 64. The 67Ga scintigram showed slightly increased activity in the left side of the neck. The angiography revealed displacement of common carotid artery into the tumor, but no tumor stain was found.
The tumor was extirpated and the histopatho-logical diagnosis was the hyaline-vascular type of Castleman's disease.
In general, the hyaline-vascular type of Castle-man's disease is clinically benign and the prognosis is good. The result of reactive changes was sus-pected in its pathogenesis.

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