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オスラー病(Osler disease)は遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症(hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia:HHT)とも呼ばれ,ENG(Endoglin),ACVRL1(ALK1),SMAD4などの遺伝子異常による常染色体顕性遺伝性疾患である1,2)。多臓器にわたる多彩な症状を呈するため,患者はさまざまな診療科を受診し,診断確定まで時間を要することも多い。Curaçaoによるオスラー病の診断基準3)では,①自発性・反復性鼻出血,②多発性粘膜皮膚血管拡張症(鼻腔,口腔,手足指,顔面など),③内臓病変(肺動静脈瘻,脳血管奇形,肝血管奇形,消化管血管拡張など),④遺伝性を特徴とし,これらのうち3つ以上が該当すれば確実例,2つ該当すれば疑い例となる。反復性鼻出血は本疾患患者の約90%に認められ4,5),鼻出血によってQOLが著しく低下している患者も少なくない。今回,頻回かつ大量の難治性鼻出血に対し輸血を繰り返していたため,複数回の鼻粘膜皮膚置換術を行い,輸血量・頻度を低減することができたオスラー病症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する。
A 78-year-old male presented with bilateral massive and recurrent epistaxis. He showed marked telangiectasia in the nasal mucosa. He also had a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula and was diagnosed with Osler disease. Although nasal cauterization using the Coblator was performed on three different occasions, epistaxis did not improve, necessitating the need for repeated blood transfusions. He eventually underwent four sessions of nasal dermoplasty, resulting in a drastic decrease in epistaxis. The total volume of transfused blood was 98 units;86 units were transfused during the 29 months before the second nasal dermoplasty, but only 12 units were transfused during the subsequent 27 months. We conclude that nasal dermoplasty is effective for the management of epistaxis in patients with Osler disease.
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