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鼻腔異物はほとんどが10歳以下の小児にみられ,成人例は比較的稀である。発達障害症例では異物挿入を反復することが報告されているが,今回,成人自閉症スペクトラム障害(autism spectrum disorder:ASD)患者の鼻腔異物を表面麻酔下に摘出しえた1例を経験したので,考察を交えて報告する。
Nasal foreign bodies are mostly seen in children, and adult cases are relatively rare. Although repeated insertion of foreign bodies has been reported in patients with developmental disorders, we have experienced a case of nasal foreign body removal under surface anesthesia in an adult with a severe developmental disorder. The patient was a 28-year-old male. A CT scan was performed at the hospital where he was hospitalized to evaluate the fever and right nasal discharge. The patient was referred to our department. The CT scan showed a rhinolith at the lower end of the middle turbinate. After displaying the images and explaining the procedure in detail, the lesion was removed under surface anesthesia without strong pressure or general anesthesia. The pathological results showed that it was a foreign body containing artificial fibers. The patient has since improved without fever or nasal discharge.

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