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We reported a patient has been deaf-blind man over 11 years, and underwent CI at age of 72 years old. At birth, his vision and hearing were normal. His eyes became dysopia at the age of 6 years. He became blind at age of 11 years. His left hearing deteriorated when he was 42 years old. And his right hearing became deteriorated soon after. Then at the age of 50 years, he suffered from deaf-blind. Consequently he has to communicate with his friends with his finger Braille.
At the age of 72 years, he was referred to our hospital for cochlear implantation. At 10/4/2013 he underwent cochlear implantation of cochlear's CI422 in his right ear. Three months after he has recovered his hearing through the cochlear implantation. The auditory test shows 33/100 monosyllabic words, 64/100 words, and 57/100 sentence. In his daily life, he became able to talk, using the telephone, and listen to the radio and music. His Quality-of-Life is dramatically improved.
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