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今回我々は,稀な唾液腺のclear cell tumorの3例を経験したので,その病理組織像および臨床像について検討し報告する。
Clear cell tumor of salivary gland is a rare dis-ease. Three cases of clear cell tumor (Parotis 2, Parapharynx 1) were described. Morphologically, case 1 was bimorphic variant that composed of inner layer tubules and outer layer of clear cells, while case 2 and case 3 were bimorphic variant that composed of solid nests and cords of clear cells.
In all the cases, the tumor was surrounded by a fibrous capsule, but case 1 showed invasive growth in some areas.
Two cases developed in close connection with pleomorphic adenoma and recurrence after appa-rently successful removal. We considered that the tumor is clinically malignant because of its local infiltrative growth and recurrence.

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