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Oncocyteは顆粒に富んだ,主に腺組織にみられる好酸性の上皮細胞である。Oncocyteに由来するoncocytomaは比較的稀な新生物ですべての唾液腺腫瘍の1%以下を占めるにすぎない1,2)。Oncocytic carcinomaはさらに稀で,すべてのoncocyteの唾液腺新生物の11%,すべての上皮性唾液腺悪性腫瘍の0.5%で,すべての上皮性唾液腺腫瘍の0.18%を占める3)。唾液腺のoncocytic carcinomaは,今までに42症例が報告されている4,5)。ほとんどのoncocytic carcinoma症例は,耳下腺原発であるが,時に顎下腺や口蓋の小唾液腺にも認められる6~11)。今回,右の顎下腺部に存在し,手術前には確定診断に至らなかったoncocytic carcinoma症例を報告する。
A 78-year-old man presented with a hard swelling of the left submandibular gland which was gradually increasing in size. A fine-needle aspiration biopsy suggested acinic cell carcinoma,though radiographic review did not clearly discriminated the tumor. The total resection of the submandibular gland and the upper neck dissection was performed. Pathological examination revealed the poorly differentiated oncocytic carcinoma in the submandibular gland,regarding invasive growth pattern and a metastatic lymph node. Oncocytic carcinoma is extremely rare and no more than 10 cases in the submandibular gland have been reported. Further following-up is necessary to see the prognosis.

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