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低悪性線維粘液肉腫(low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma:以下,LGFMSと略す)は1987年にEvans1)により報告された新しい疾患概念である。一見,良性の線維腫様の組織像を示すが,肺転移や局所再発をきたし悪性の経過をたどることもある軟部組織腫瘍である。本邦での頭頸部領域におけるLGFMSの報告は2003年までに渉猟し得た限り2例に過ぎない2,3)。
A low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma(LGFMS)is a rare soft tissue tumor originally described by Evans in 1987. A 34-year-old male presented with a mass in his left lateral neck,previously excised twice since thirteen years old of age.
The entire mass was extirpated surgically and LGFMS was diagnosed. LGFMS is often clinically diagnosed as a benign soft tissue tumor and shows a benign histology. LGFMS is not only a rare sarcoma,but also shows a high rate of local recurrence and metastasis. So clinicians and pathologists should recognize the existence of this tumor entity and complete excision and a close follow-up are needed.

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