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(R2-7AM−11) 特発性黄斑上膜(ERM)123眼,全層黄斑円孔(MH)76眼,滲出型加齢黄斑変性(AMD)59眼に硝子体手術を行った。術後最高視力に影響する術前要因について重回帰分析を行った結果,3疾患とも術前視力が最も高い相関を示した。視力改善は,ERM 59%,MH 78%,AMD 69%,術後0.5以上は,ERM 70%,MH 45%,AMD 22%であった。3疾患とも術後視力は有意に向上していたことから,これらの疾患に対する手術の有用性が確認された。術後に視力を維持・改善できるための術前視力は,ERM 0.9,MH 0.6,AMD 0.3と推定され,これを適応基準とするのが妥当であると考えた。
We performed vitreous surgery on 258 eyes. The series comprised idiopathic epiretinal membrane 123 eyes, macular hole 76 eyes and exdative age-related macular degeneration 59 eyes. The visual acuity improved in 59% of epiretinal membrane, 78% of macular hole and 69% of macular degeneration. Visual acuity of 0.5 or more was obtained in 70% of epiretinal membrane, 45% of macular hole and 22% of macular degeneration. The visual acuity improved significantly after surgery in all the 3 groups. Multiple regression analysis showed the postoperative visual acuity to be most closely correlated with the postoperative one. Above findings show the usefulness of surgery for the three diseases. In order to achieve maintenance or improvement in visual acuity, the preoperative visual acuity will to be better than 0.9 in epiretinal membrane, 0.6 in macular hole and 0.3 for macular degeneration.

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