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要約 目的:術後にうつぶせ姿勢をしない黄斑円孔手術の結果の報告。対象と方法:過去15か月間に硝子体手術を行った特発性黄斑円孔21例21眼を対象とした。男性3例,女性18例で,年齢は53~75歳(平均65歳)である。手術までの罹病期間は1~6か月(平均2.3か月)であった。円孔はステージ2が5眼,ステージ3が11眼,ステージ4が5眼であった。内境界膜を剝離しSF6ガスで硝子体を置換した。術後の就寝時は側臥位とした。視力はlogMARで評価した。結果:19眼(91%)で円孔の初回閉鎖,最終的に全例で閉鎖が得られた。平均視力は術前の0.65が術後1か月の0.46に有意に改善し,術後6か月まで維持された。結論:特発性黄斑円孔に対する硝子体手術では,術後にうつぶせ姿勢をとらなくても円孔が閉鎖し,視力が向上した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of surgery for macular hole without face-down positioning. Cases and Method:This study was made on 21 eyes of 21 cases of idiopathic macular hole during a 15-month period. The series comprised 3 males and 18 females. The age ranged from 53 to 75 years,average 65 years. The interval from onset to surgery ranged from 1 to 6 months,average 2.3 months. Five eyes had stage 2,11 had stage 3,and 5 had stage 4 macular hole. After peeling of internal limiting membrane,the vitreous was filled with sulfur hexafluoride. Patients remained in side-recumbent position after surgery. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Results:Macular hole closed in 19 eyes(91%)after initial surgery and eventually in all the eyes. Averaged visual acuity significantly improved from 0.65 to 0.46 one month after surgery to remain for 6 months. Conclusion:Surgery for macular hole resulted in favorable anatomical and functional outcome without face-down positioning.

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