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6歳時にインスリン依存性糖尿病と診断された患者で,両眼に白内障が出現したため,12歳時に左眼のlensectomyとanterior vitrecto-my,16歳時に右眼の白内障嚢外摘出術を行った。左眼に術後,前部虚血性視神経症と新生血管緑内障を発症したため,汎網膜光凝固とanteriorchamber tube shunt to an encircling band法を施行した。左眼は,蛍光眼底造影検査で前部虚血性視神経症の所見に合わせて,脈なし病でみられるような網膜毛細血管のぶどうの房状の拡張と広範な無血管領域をみたことから,乳頭と網膜の循環不全が併発していたものと解釈した。左眼のみに前部虚血性視神経症と網膜の循環不全とが発生し,新生血管緑内障を併発した原因として,白内障術式自体の差が関与したものと推測した。
A 12-year-old girl presented with bilateral cata-ract. she had been diagnosed as diabetes mellitus 6 years before. The visual acuity was 0.03 in each eye. Pars plana anterior vitrectomy and lensectomy in the left eye improved the visual acuity to 1.0. Is-chemic optic neuropathy (AION) and rubeotic glaucoma developed 1 month after surgery, neces-sitating panretinal photocoagulation and anteriorchamber tube implant. Fluorescein angiography showed numerous microaneurysms, extensive areas of capillary nonperfusion and findings typical for AION. These features suggested the presence of advanced retinal and optic disc circulatory distur-bances. The patient underwent extracapsular cata-ract extraction in her right eye with uneventful postoperative outcome. Initial lensectomy seemed to have served as trigger for rubeotic glaucoma.

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