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(G−7PM−9) Alport症候群の前円錐水晶体および前極白内障に対して白内障手術を行い,術後経過を長期観察し,また採取した前嚢を電顕にて検討した。症例は54歳男性で,1992年9月に左眼,1999年2月に右眼の前円錐水晶体および前極白内障に対してPEA+IOLを行った。電顕では前嚢全体が菲薄化し,亀裂様の電子密度の低い領域がみられ,前円錐水晶体は前嚢の脆弱性が原因であると考えられた。左眼のIOLは術後6年以上経過した現在でも嚢内に良好に固定されており,本症候群におけるIOL嚢内固定は問題ないと考えられた。
A 54-year-old male presented with anterior lenticonus and anterior polar cataract in both eyes. He had also renal failure and hearing loss and had been diagnosed as Alport syndrome. Both eyes underwent phacoemulsification-aspiration with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Electron microscopy of anterior capsule in his right eye showed decreased thickness and numerous electron low-dense areas simulating dehiscences. These findings seemed to suggest fragility of the anterior lens capsule. Six years after surgery in his left eye, the IOL is well fixated in the bag. This case illustrates that conventional cataract surgery with IOL implantation poses no problem for eyes with Alport syndrome.

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