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We performed high-resolution indocyanine green (ICG) digital angiography in 23 eyes, 20 patients, with age-related macular degeneration. Presence of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) had been con-firmed in all the eyes by ophthalmoscopy and fluor-escein angiography. We could classify these eyes into 4 stages according to the impaired blood -retinal barrier in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the degree of fibrosis of CNV. CNVs posterior to the RPE failed to be detected in the early-phase ICG angiogram and showed intense fluorescence in the late-phase angiogram. Fluores-cence became less intense along with progression of fibrosis of the CNV. Fibrotic membrane showed no fluorescence. The classification seemed to be of value as a guide for laser treatment.

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