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Nationwide survey of typical retinitis pigmentosa in Japan Nakako Kubo 1 , Mutsuko Hayakawa 2 , Miyo Matsumura 3 , Norio Ohba 4 , Mizuo Matsui 5 , Yoshiyuki Ohno 6 , Hiroshi Yanagawa 7 1Dept of Public Health, Med Sch Nagoya City Univ 2Dept of Ophthalmol, Juntendo Univ Sch of Med 3Dept of Ophthalmol, Kyoto Univ Fac of Med 4Dept of Ophthalmol, Fac of Med Kagoshima Univ 5Dept of Ophthalmol, Nihon Univ Sch of Med 6Dept of Preventive Med, Nagoya Univ Sch of Med 7Dept of Public Health, Jichi Med Sch pp.665-669
Published Date 1993/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410908531
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This is a final report of the nationwide epidemiological survey of typical retinitis pig-mentosa (RP) that was carried out in 1990 by a joint Research Committee on Chorioretinal Degen-erations and Epidemiology of Intractable Diseases sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan. A survey questionnaire designed to estimate the annual number of RP patients and to study their current sociomedical status was disseminated in March, 1990, to 1,926 hospitals with ophthalmic service (1,282 with over 200 inpatients and 644 with less than 200 inpatients), and 37.7% of the institu-tions replied to requests to register RP patients during a six-month period from April 1 to Septem-ber 30, 1990. A total of 6,545 patients (male, 3,077; female, 3,439; unknown, 29) were regis-tered. The annual number of RP patients in Japan was estimated to be 23,000 at most. The mode of patients' age was 50-59 years for males and 60-69 years for females, suggesting a recent relative increase of elderly patients. The number of regis-tered patients from hospitals with over 200 in-patients was about 2. 2 times larger than that from those with less than 200 inpatients. About one fourth of the registered patients were physically handicapped and received the socioeconomic ser-vice by the Disabled Persons Welfare Law.

Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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  • 原発性定型網膜色素変性症の予後に関する検討—14施設調査 早川 むつ子 , 藤木 慶子 , 金井 淳 , 松村 美代 , 小泉 閑 , 玉井 信 , 塩野 貴 , 所 敬 , 赤沢 嘉彦 , 久保田 伸枝 , 河野 真一郎 , 松井 瑞夫 , 湯沢 美都子 , 小口 芳久 , 明尾 潔 , 安達 恵美子 , 武田 憲夫 , 三宅 養三 , 矢ヶ崎 克哉 , 若林 謙二 , 石坂 伸人 , 本田 孔士 , 坂上 欧 , 宇山 昌延 , 岸本 伸子 , 石橋 達朗 , 本多 貴一 , 大庭 紀雄 医学書院 臨床眼科
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