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A 55-year-old male presented with multiple 4distinct detachment of the retinal pigment epith-elium (RPE) in his right eye. When seen 3 yearslater durign the next recurrence, we observed 3 ofthe previous 4 detachments with another new one.The corrected visual acuity was 0.5. Fluoresceinangiography showed 3 typical lesions of serousdetachment of RPE. No choroidal neovasculariza-tion was present. The lesions started to spontane-ously regress 10 months later, leaving 2 persistentareas of detachment of the RPE. The reattachedREP lesion and its surroundings showed granularstaining. The visual scuity improved to 0.9.
Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.