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コンピュータ画像解析装置による画像エンハンス処理が,白内障により不鮮明な眼底像を解析する際その判読の信頼性を向上させるヒで,どの程度効果があるか検討した。マニュアル法による相対的乳頭面積測定において,判読しやすい画像ほど解析の再現性は良好になるとの仮定に立ち,同一画像の2回解析(intra-image study)と同一眼の異なる2つの画像の解析(inter-image study)の結果の変動係数を求めた。白内障10眼における変動係数(%)の平均は,intra—およびinter-image studyにおいてそれぞれエンハンス前,3.1,3.3,エンハンス後,1.7,1.7であり再現性は有意に向上した(p<0.05)。
We measured the area of the optic disc in 10 eyes with various types of incipient cataract. we took at least two monochrome videographic images of each optic disc. The images were processed using a Humphrey image analysis system with a built-in image enhancement function. The mean coefficient of variation was 1.7% for enhanced and 3.1% for non-enhanced images. Those for two images of thesame eyes were 1.7% and 3.3% respectively. Image enhancement decreased the variability of measure-ment in cataractous eyes (p<0.05). It did not affect the variability in non-cataractous eyes. Inter- and intra-image variabilities in cataractous eyes were approximately the same. The observed variability did not seem to be due to image acquisition or enhancement process.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.