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53,64,71,77歳の正常屍体摘出眼4例4眼より得た線維柱組織を(1)対照群,(2) Elas-tase投与群に分け,64,71,77歳は24時間,53歳は7日間器官培養した。Elastase投与群に対しては,77歳には1×10−1mg/ml,64歳には1×10−2および1×10−3mg/ml,71歳には1×10−4mg/ml,53歳には1×10−6mg/mlのelastaseを培養開始と同時に液体培地に加えた。
また,慢性緑内障患者27例にelastaseを経口投与し,投与前,および投与12か月後のtonography C値の変化を検討したところ,統計学的に緑内障患者全体では,C値の有意の改善は認められなかったが,原発性開放隅角緑内障では有意のC値の改善が認められた(P<0.01)。
We cultured the human trabecular meshwork either for 24 hours or 7 days using solid agar method. The tissues were obtained from 4 postmortem eyes, aged 53, 64, 71 and 7 years. Elastase was added to some of the medium at 1 × 10-1~10-6mg/ml. The cultured samples were then prepared for transmission electron microscopy. We evaluated the ultrastructure of trabecular meshwork and the percentages of areas of cellular, extracellular and empty space in the endothelial meshwork using computerassisted morphometry. We confirmed decreases of extracellular material after 24 hours and 7 days after addition of elastase.
We prescribed elastase perorally at the daily dosis of 108,000 elastase units for 12 months to 27 patients, 46 eyes, with various types of chronic glaucoma. Tonography was performed before and after the 12-month period. There was no significant changes in the facility of outflow after elastase administration as a whole. Only 21 eyes, 12 patients, with chronic open angle glaucoma showed significant improvement in the facility of outflow (p<0.01).
The findings suggest that systemic elastase may improve the facility of outflow in glaucoma through decrease of extracellular material in the endothelial meshwork.

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