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一過性に12mmHg以上上昇したものは15眼(14%)に見られた。前房内への色素細胞の遊出は一過性の眼圧上昇と有意に相関する(p<0.05)が,線維柱帯の房水通過障害とは関係がない。開放隅角のままで眼圧上昇発作を起こすものは,線維柱帯が周辺前癒着PASや色素沈着で機能不全を起こしている状態の上に軽度の前房内細胞遊出や狭隅角が加わっておこるものと考えられた。散瞳によって隅角が閉塞し,眼圧が上昇したものは2眼に見られ,pupillary blockの後に出現したsecon-dary plateau iris syndromeと考えられた。
We studied the transient elevation of intraocular pressure (I0P) in response to mydriasis in 105 eyes with angle closure glaucoma after treatment by iridectomy. The series included 21 acute and 84 chronic angle closure glaucoma.
Transient elevation of I0P by 12 mmHg or more occurred in 15 eyes. The short-term elevation ofIOP was positively correlated with dispersion of pigmented cells by mydriasis (p<0.05). Eyes with heavily pigmented trabecular meshwork or periph-eral anterior synechia (PAS) were more responsive to mydriatic dispersion of cells or iris folding. Plateau iris syndrome was present in 2 of the 105 eyes. these cases are not “primary” plateau iris but the secondary plateau iris evolved secondary to pupillary block and angle closure.

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